We All Have a Place in the Family

At Ebenezer Brighton and Hove Seventh-Day Adventist Church, we firmly believe that everyone has a place in our spiritual family. Our Family Ministries are dedicated to strengthening the family unit as a central hub for discipleship and spiritual growth.

Adventist Family Ministries is a ministry of grace, upholding the biblical teachings on family life and striving towards God's high ideals for family living. We recognize the realities of brokenness that individuals and families face in a fallen world. Our mission is to empower families to reach for divine ideals while simultaneously offering the reassuring message of God’s saving grace and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit.

Our ministry focuses on people in relationships, providing essential tools and resources for couples, parents, children, single adults, and all members of the extended family. We support families as they navigate life's predictable stages and confront unexpected challenges, ensuring they have the guidance and support needed to thrive.

Join us in our mission to build a loving, supportive community that reflects God's grace and extends His love to all.

Adventist Family Ministries aims to

Foster strong, loving relationships within the family.

Promote biblical principles and values.

Provide practical tools for everyday family life.

Offer support and healing for those facing difficulties.

Through workshops, counseling, and various family-centered activities, we aim to create an environment where families can grow closer to each other and to God. We invite you to join us in this journey of faith, love, and community, knowing that in God’s family, there is always a place for you.

Discover More​

Discover the power of a supportive and loving family environment at Ebenezer Brighton and Hove Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Together, we can build stronger families and a stronger faith community.

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